GORUCK, known for their physically and mentally demanding Challange events modeled after special forces training, has brought rucking to a more mass appeal with the beautiful simplicity of the Star Course.
Strap on a pack. Ruck 50 miles (or 26.2 miles, or 12 miles). Done.
Well, maybe it isn’t that simple.
The event itself finds its roots in an executive order to members of the military by Teddy Rosevelt and later echoed by JFK: “Do 50 miles in under 20 hours.”
In JFK’s day, it actually became a national craze with his brother, Robert Kennedy, setting out one day in a pair of leather loafers and finishing in just under 18 hours.
Event Details
The GORUCK Star Course comes in three distances: 50-mile, 26.2-mile, and 12-mile.
If you’re over 150# your ruck must weigh a minimum of 20#. If you’re under, it is 10#.
You are required to have an, at a minimum, 2-person team.
At the event, your team will be given a number of way-points that you must navigate to and post a social media photo proving you were there. GORUCK Cadre monitor the team’s feeds to ensure all points are hit.
Location devices and routing apps are both allowed.
Each event has a time-cap in which you must finish. For the 50-miler you must finish under 20 hours. For the 26.2-miler you must finish under 11 hours. For the 12-miler you must finish under 5 hours.

Finishers get a sweet patch and everyone is invited to the afterparty for some pizza and beer.
In 2019 GORUCK is offering the Star Course in over 35 different cities. Click the map below to find a Star Course near you.