Ruck Events

Rucking Events While on Lockdown

While many states have stay-at-home orders, almost all of them allow you to get out to exercise. Thankfully, rucking is a great way to exercise.

Below are four great opportunities to get out, step up to a challenge, earn a patch, and get some exercise.

Again Faster Challenge has a great challenge, Again Faster, that you can easily do multiple times.

The gist is to ruck for a minimum of 4 miles. Each mile must be faster than the last. When you can no longer keep pace, the challenge is over.

Do it a few times and see how many miles you can rack up. More info here.

Virtual Star Course

GORUCK has released over 150 different Star Course maps.

Do the Star Course (or make up your own) and then sign up for one of their crazy sweet patches!

Carry Their Load Challenge

Memorial Day is right around the corner. Take time this May to remember and honor those we’ve lost by accepting this challenge.

Double your ruck weight or grab a second ruck. Then, get some miles on your way to a memorial.

Distance is up to you, but the extra weight will remind you of what this ruck is all about. More info here.

Ruck Your Dog

It isn’t too late to get in on this challenge from GORUCK and Pets for Patriots.

Make your commitment, give your donation, and get those miles!

Posted by is managed by Ryan Burns and is a part of The Rucking Collective, LLC. Ryan discovered Rucking through GORUCK and has completed numerous GORUCK events, including their 50-mile Star Course. You can reach him at